Depending on your preference, the perfect tour package will depend on the actual destination. We will help you choose which Greek destination is right for you!

Greece offers a rich variety of destinations that covers most of what people are truly looking for. Below you will find a list of some of our suggested thematic destinations according to taste and style.
Find out more!
Greece is the place to be during the summer. With its hundreds of beautiful islands, sea-side towns and natural beauty you have a lot of options to choose from.
Most if not all Greek places are family friendly. But there are several specific places which are ideal for you and your children. Based on some of the most popular hotel accommodation and their family services.
For all couples in love, Greece has some of the most beautiful destinations to experience.
Greece is a fabulous destination during the winter due its beautiful mountains, crisp air, exciting ski resorts and heart-warming chalet properties.
Looking for a city break? Greece is the ideal place for city tourism. It offers endless possibilities with shopping opportunities, excellent conference facilities, fun nightlife and many museums!
Party & Active Destinations
There are certain places in Greece which are the best places for young adults to party! Greek people are all about entertainment and having fun. In addition, active sports and adventures are always part of the Greek experience.
The Greek countryside is a phenomenal place to discover. Its filled with impressive flora & fauna, lakes, rivers, volcanoes, caves and mountains. There are some ideal places where one can enjoy hiking, bird watching or just want to experience a traditional Greek village. 


We chose the brand name Zeus Travel after 'Zeus'- the god of the sky and leader of the Olympian gods. According to Ancient Greek mythology, Zeus possessed the perfect knowledge and was just, compassionate and practical. One of his symbols and weapons was the thunderbolt and he used it in order to create balance & harmony in his surroundings. 

Our work philosophy is inspired by the SPIRIT and CHARISMA of Zeus and our aim is to bring this force of personality to our work!